πŸš€Multi-Chain Inscription Technology

Technical Implementation

Bitcoin Inscription

Utilize Ordinals and Inscriptions technology to embed information on the Bitcoin blockchain, not limited to transaction data. This allows for embedding additional content like text, images, or other types of non-transaction data within individual Bitcoin blocks.

Inscription on Other Chains

Develop customized inscription solutions according to the technical characteristics of each blockchain, catering to their unique functionalities and requirements.

Technical Challenges and Solutions

Aggregation Technology Challenge

Address integration issues across different blockchain technologies by developing a universal framework that adapts and integrates various blockchain technologies for information aggregation and transaction processing.

Telegram Bot User Experience

Provide a unified and user-friendly interface, simplifying the interaction process, enabling users to effortlessly conduct inscriptions and transactions across different blockchains.

Inscription Transaction Processing and Verification

Ensure the validity and security of all transactions on any blockchain. This includes authenticating transaction signatures, verifying transaction data accuracy, and confirming transactions, crucial for maintaining the integrity of blockchain networks and user security.

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